One-Time Opportunities
Want to get a taste of working with a local organization? All across Israel, there are many organizations who need volunteers for a one-time activity.

Usually, these types of volunteering aim at helping with logistics, repairs and tacking specific needs. Here are some of the volunteering activities that you can do at a one-time basis:
Volunteer at a soup kitchen: several organizations provide catering to the impoverished population. Volunteers are needed to pack, deliver and serve food to the needy.
Give love to animals: All around Israel, there are many organizations that work closely with urban cats and dogs. They are always in need of volunteers to help feed the animals, play with them and encourage their adoption.
Take part in a cleanup: Israel has many different landscapes, being full of parks and beaches. As a volunteer, you can contribute to take care of the land by helping cleanup those spaces. These events are a fun way to meet passionate environmental activists and give back to our planet!
Contact us today if you are looking for one-time volunteering opportunities in Israel! Regardless of the area you will contribute to, your help will be highly appreciated.
If you have some more time to spend volunteer, or if you consider yourself a people person and would rather spend your volunteering time connecting with other humans, we recommend you check opportunities with short term commitment requirements. They will require more time, but the rewards will be worth it!